Enjoy our current online Tuesday Nite Studies videos, hosted by Patricia Wahle, based on her book (available on Amazon.com)
A Revelation to Patricia: Are We Creating Heaven or Hell?
Week 1: Introduction to the Revelation
Week 2: The Letters
Week 3: The Four Horsemen
Week 4: The Last Three Seals
Week 5: The First 4 Trumpets
Week 6: The 3 Woes
Week 7: The Dragon and the Beasts
Week 8: The Grim Reaper and the Grapes of Wrath
Week 9: Angels Lead Us To A New Way
Week 10: Creating Heaven on Earth
Week 11: Visions of Heaven on Earth
Week 12: Conclusion
Week 1: Introduction to the Revelation
Week 2: The Letters
Week 3: The Four Horsemen
Week 4: The Last Three Seals
Week 5: The First 4 Trumpets
Week 6: The 3 Woes
Week 7: The Dragon and the Beasts
Week 8: The Grim Reaper and the Grapes of Wrath
Week 9: Angels Lead Us To A New Way
Week 10: Creating Heaven on Earth
Week 11: Visions of Heaven on Earth
Week 12: Conclusion